Most B2B buyers in today’s market have already completed the majority of the customer journey before contacting a salesperson. In actuality, 83% of B2B buyers’ time is spent independently investigating, both online and offline.
What’s the most effective strategy to get in front of these potential customers while they’re researching? utilizing intent data. A B2B marketer’s best buddy, more marketers are using it to their advantage.
B2B intent data, which detects precisely when someone is in-market or evaluating a particular solution, offers an accurate and efficient answer as B2B marketers struggle to connect and resonate with the correct audiences in a sea of competitive noise.
More specifically, intent data is information gathered about a company’s online behaviour to reveal information about customers’ intentions to buy and their online research habits. This knowledge enables sales and marketing teams to develop a comprehensive picture of a target’s difficulties and buying motives, subject searches, intent velocity (how active they are around that topic), and other account intelligence across time and connected to the buyer’s journey. The idea that “the broader the net, the more fish we’ll catch” may apply to fishermen, but not to B2B marketers. Delivering personalized experiences and building stronger relationships with prospects throughout the whole buyer journey are essential if you want to increase your customer base. You have the knowledge to accomplish it thanks to intent data. Today’s B2B marketers can analyze, access, and use a variety of intent data platforms and services to make intent actionable.
You are probably aware that while we browse the web, we all leave digital footprints that indicate our interests, difficulties, and frequently, our intention to buy a specific kind of goods or interest in a related issue. In order to create predictive layers from billions of behavior data collected from thousands of sites, intelligent intent platforms work by monitoring and storing such information from across the web, ad networks, and social media.
This knowledge can be utilized to identify precisely which organizations are most likely to make purchases from you when examined collectively and with consideration for the subject of your particular campaign.
Given the extensive, nuanced, and specialized knowledge that intent data delivers, it is advantageous in a variety of contexts and real-world applications, from guiding campaign strategy to enabling more individualized experiences. Here are some pointers on how to make advantage of intent data.
• Enhance & Inform ABM
• Uncover hidden opportunities for Sales
• Deliver Precise, Tailored, Personalized Messaging
• Create precise Ad Targeting
• Drive Sales Growth/ Reach Prospects in the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMoT)
• Analyze & attribute content to maximize ROI
• Using Intent to Drive Revenue
Understanding the intentions of your customers can open up new opportunities and pipeline. However, if intent data is not used intelligently, it can only go so far. You won’t gain more clients by merely compiling a list of people who have demonstrated buying intent and randomly contacting them via emails, advertising, or generic content.
Keep in mind that purpose is dynamic and that it changes during the buyer’s journey. A thorough strategy is needed to use intent data, including how to collect it, how to qualify it, and how you intend to use it. Intent data will work for you if you have a well-thought-out intent data strategy that is applied with creativity and discipline. This will enable you to convert more prospects into customers.