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It’s quite simple, as the name suggests – multichannel prospecting is how one uses different channels simultaneously to Reach, Connect & Engage with customers. It’s a synergetic combo between sales & marketing. Gone are the days when customers were totally dependent on brick & mortar stores.

Business in nothing but Numbers!
As per ecommerce Germany news
➢ Brands with multichannel presence make it easier for 72% of customers to stay connected.
➢ Consistent interactions across channels are preferred by 90% of customers.
➢ 72% of adults give preference for communicating over digital channels.
➢ 48% of shoppers are actually comfortable with sharing data in order to be able to receive personalized service.
➢ Every internet user has 5.54 social media accounts on an average.
In this time of aggressive personalization, customers are in the driving seat. They are the ones calling the shots & it’s their demands & needs that you have to cater to. With Multi channel marketing, you will be able to better understand their individual requirements & thus, be better positioned to provide a seamless experience that eventually satisfies your customers irrespective of the channel they are using.

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