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1. Find the Right Keywords :
Use Tools like Keyword Magic Tool to perform keyword research before you begin writing a piece.

2. Identify & Map Search Intent :
Identify Keyword Intent – informational, navigational, commercial or transactional.

3. Find Questions People Ask :
Leverage SERP features like the People Also Ask (PAA) box to find out what your users actually want to know.

4. Gather Original Data :
Use Original Data & Case Studies to make content more engaging & shareable.

5. Review Competitor’s Articles : Find out the top 10 rivals for the keywords you choose to target.

6. Include Visuals : Keep your readers engaged & encourage social media shares by creating visuals for your content like Infographics.

7. Optimize Headers & Meta :
Users often judge a page by its Meta Title & description as well as its H1, so its important to optimize these with keywords while keeping them user friendly.

8. Create Organized, Easy to Read Content :
Users want answers quickly, meaning they should be able to skim your content easily to find what they need.

9. Include CTAs :
Calls to Action provide logical steps for users who land on your page.

10.Keep Linking Structure in Mind : Both users & google BOT will benefit from strong internal linking structure, meaning you can help users & improve on page SEO elements at the same time.

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